More than 4,700 members of the She’s Next community in Serbia are already developing their leadership qualities through the exchange of knowledge and expertise.
She's Next in Serbia
She’s Next Empowered by Visa initiative, which provides support for female entrepreneurship around the world, has also been launched in Serbia since 2020. The goal of activities is to provide the necessary educational programs as well as to establish a large She’s Next community of women who will motivate each other during the challenging path to success in entrepreneurial waters.
In 2022, experienced female entrepreneurs were carefully selected to inspire and support all women who decided to start their own business. They were the leaders, ambassadors and corner stones of the She’s Next community. Activities during the initiative were organized in accordance with two important events. These are the Council event and the Big Day event.
The closed Council event was the starting point of the whole project. By bringing together experienced female entrepreneurs who discussed their beginnings, challenges and success, we came to the main questions that really interest every woman who is at the beginning of her entrepreneurial career. Accordingly, various adequate solutions for the growth of female entrepreneurship were created and implemented during the further steps of the project.
A large number of educational texts, written by experts in various fields such as management, marketing and finance, have been published through media publications. Also, important information was distributed through the newsletter, and stories about entrepreneurship were available to everyone through video material on social media networks.
The final event and crown of the initiative in 2022 is the Big Day event. The members of the She’s Next community are thus enabled to participate in activities such as improving public performance, the art of product packaging, as well as creating a visual brand identity through the creation of a logo. Also, through the panel discussion, you could hear something more about the support, first steps and path to success of the selected female experts. Workshops on the topic of financial planning, networking and brand promotion through social networks, as well as the concept of business speed dating, provided the necessary advice for creating a successful business story of a female entrepreneur.
The success of the project She’s Next Empowered by Visa in Serbia in 2022 is reflected in the fact that the Big Day event gathered as many as 800 women, and that there are now more than 4700 members of the She’s Next community.
She's Next in Serbia
Inicijativa She’s Next, empowered by Visa koja pruža podršku ženskom preduzetništvu širom sveta, od 2020. godine je pokrenuta i u Srbiji. Cilj aktivnosti je pružanje neophodnih programa edukacije kao i osnivanje velike She’s Next zajednice žena koje će se međusobno motivisati tokom izazovnog puta ka uspehu u preduzetničkim vodama.
U 2022. godini, pažljivo su odabrane iskusne žene preduzetnice koje su bile tu da inspirišu i pruže podršku svim ženama koje su se odlučile da osnuju svoj sopstveni biznis. One su bile lideri, ambasadori i kamen temeljac She’s Next zajednice. Aktivnosti tokom inicijative su organizovane u skladu sa dva bitna događaja. U pitanju su Council event i Big Day event.
Događaj zatvorenog tipa Council event je bio polazna tačka celog projekta. Okupljanjem iskusnih žena preduzetnica koje su diskutovale o svojim počecima, izazovima i uspehu došlo se do glavnih pitanja koje zaista zanimaju svaku ženu koja je na početku svoje preduzetničke karijere. U skladu sa tim, kreirana su različita adekvatna rešenja za rast ženskog preduzetništva, realizovana tokom daljih koraka projekta.
Kroz različite medijske publikacije plasiran je veliki broj edukativnih tekstova, napisanih od strane eksperata u različitim oblastima poput menadžmenta, marketinga i finansija. Takođe, bitne informacije su plasirane i kroz newsletter, a svakome su bile dostupne priče o preduzetništvu kroz video materijal na društvenim mrežama.
Finalni događaj i kruna inicijative u 2022. godini jeste Big Day event. Članicama She’s Next zajednice je ovim putem omogućeno učestvovanje u aktivnostima poput unapređivanja javnog nastupa, umeću pakovanja proizvoda kao i kreiranju vizuelnog identiteta brenda kroz kreiranje logoa. Takođe, kroz panel diskusiju moglo se čuti nešto više o podršci, prvim koracima i putu ka uspehu odabranih ekspertkinja. Radionice na temu finansijskog planiranja, networkinga i promocije brenda putem društvenih mreža, kao i koncept biznis speed datinga su pružili neophodne savete za kreiranje uspešne poslovne priče jedne žene preduzetnice.
Uspeh projekta She’s Next, empowered by Visa u Srbiji 2022. godine se ogleda u tome da je Big Day event okupio čak 800 žena, a da sada postoji više od 4700 članica She’s Next zajednice.