Kyrgyzstan’s unique challenges
The future holds great promise for Kyrgyz female entrepreneurs.
Women in Kyrgyzstan are demonstrating remarkable resilience, ambition, and determination as they embark on their entrepreneurial journeys. Their motivations vary from seeking financial independence and personal fulfilment to making a positive impact on society.
However, running a business in Kyrgyzstan presents unique challenges for these enterprising women. A survey conducted by Emerging Europe under the She’s Next Empowered by Visa initiative sheds light on the specific problems and concerns faced by women in the country.
Amidst the promising landscape for women entrepreneurs, the survey uncovers a complex tapestry of challenges. Worries about balancing family and work responsibilities, financial stability, and the burden of taxation weigh heavily on their minds.
Nevertheless, despite these challenges, the future holds great promise for Kyrgyz female entrepreneurs. The survey and insights shared by entrepreneurs reveal a resounding sense of optimism and a strong belief in the potential for growth.
Independence and autonomy
With 58 per cent of respondents driven by the desire to increase their income, and 35 per cent expressing a strong inclination to work for themselves, it is evident that financial independence and autonomy play significant roles for female entrepreneurs in Kyrgyzstan.
Moreover, Kyrgyz female entrepreneurship thrives on innovation and social responsibility. Approximately 13 per cent of women entrepreneurs are motivated by their exceptional ideas and solutions that can benefit others, showcasing their entrepreneurial vision.
For 11 per cent of them, starting their own businesses represents the realisation of lifelong dreams, while 10 per cent are determined to prove themselves and defy societal expectations.
In addition to personal motivations, women entrepreneurs in Kyrgyzstan exhibit a strong desire to make a positive impact and build successful careers. They aspire to help others (10 per cent) and create job opportunities while aiming for long-term professional growth (eight per cent) through their businesses.
Further insights from in-depth interviews with entrepreneurs shed light on additional motivations. One business owner shared her aspirations, stating, “I wanted to do something by myself, I wanted to develop economic journalism. I wanted to make something special.”
An NGO co-founder reflected on her motivation, emphasizing the importance of gender analysis and data-driven storytelling. She stated: “Our organisation is women-led. We do a lot of gender analysis and produce stories. For people in our region, it is difficult to understand what gender equality is until you give them the numbers.”
Another interviewee found motivation in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, sharing, “The pandemic motivated me to start the business.” Lastly, one SME founder emphasized that, “The start of the business was associated with the need to earn a sustainable living.”
Navigating the obstacles
According to the survey, 40 per cent of respondents expressed concerns about neglecting their family and/or children. One business owner shared her own experience, stating, “As a mother, I find it challenging to balance family and work responsibilities.”
Approximately 39 per cent of respondents expressed concern about their own financial situation deteriorating. The same business owner emphasized this point and mentioned her “plans to finance her business independently”. She intends to work as “an employee to earn income” and use it “to expand her business operations”.
Furthermore, one business owner brought attention to the significant burden of taxation, with approximately 40 per cent of wages allocated to taxes. She also highlighted that, “market size is limited, and competition is high” resulting from the entry of new players.
In fact, survey respondents identified unfavourable business conditions such as high taxes and labour costs (36 per cent) and intense competition (31 per cent) as the top challenges, alongside the need for obtaining investments/financing (37 per cent). This sentiment was echoed by an SME owner who said that, “financial challenges are the main obstacles faced by female entrepreneurs”.
Among the other primary challenges identified were the search for workers and building cohesive teams (22 per cent), bureaucratic hurdles (20 per cent), limited access to financial resources (17 per cent), the impact of the current economic and political situation (11 per cent), and the perception of women entrepreneurs within the local culture (11 per cent).
Moreover, a minimum of 10 per cent of respondents mentioned additional obstacles, including gender discrimination, the pursuit of new markets, difficulties in accessing business management tools, navigating the external environment during and after a pandemic, and establishing a robust online presence.
